
Salazar Threatens to Call In the Gang of 14

Colorado Senator Ken Salazar says he won't support a filibuster even though he'll vote against Judge Sam Alito. From the National Journal's Hotline (subscription):

Meanwhile, Sen. Ken Salazar (D-CO) also said 1/25 that he will not support a filibuster, even though "he still plans to vote against" Alito. While Salazar said Alito wasn't the "wisest choice for America," he said "was convinced not to filibuster Alito because of" his "stellar academic record and strong support from his colleagues." Salazar said he does not know whether other Dem "will try to block the vote," but that "if they do, he will call a meeting" of the 'Gang of 14' (Tahelm, AP/Daily Camera, 1/26).

Here's another article with the reference to calling in the gang of 14. Call his office at (202) 224-5852. Salazer has pledged not to support a filibuster unless under "extraordinary circumstances." Let him know you consider Judge Alito to be extraordinary. Perhaps if enough of his constituents demand it, he will change his mind, or at least leave the gang of 14 out of it.

< Feingold : Alito's Death Penalty Responses 'Chilling' | Report: Kerry Wants to Filibuster Alito >
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  • I'm afraid the time to face facts approaches quickly. Alito has a lock on the 55 Republican votes. Democrats Byrd, Johnson, and Nelson have said they'll vote yes. Landrieu and Salazar say they'll oppose a filibuster. That's 60.

    Re: Salazar Threatens to Call In the Gang of 14 (none / 0) (#2)
    by squeaky on Fri Jan 27, 2006 at 06:22:04 PM EST
    Quaker in a Basement-Even a filibuster that is mathematically impossible is an act of valor in this case. The Dems have got to show that they have some blood in their veins. It is one of those times when losing crazy passionate is winning.