
Roberts nominated Chief Justice, Hearings Delayed

by Last Night in Little Rock

President Bush just nominated John Roberts, age 50, to be appointed Chief Justice.

Justice O'Connor will have to stay for a while since her retirement was dependent on confirming a replacement.

CNN is reporting right now that it takes worrying about Rehnquist's and O'Connor's replacements "off the table" while the President deals with Katrina.

Update: (TL) The New York Times reports that the hearings will be delayed until Thursday at the earliest, and perhaps until Monday.

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  • Well, at least it's not Scalia. And it leaves Sandra Dee on the court for another few months while a new nominee is found. All in all, it could have been worse.

    more anton -- not....bet he regrets that hunting trip now

    Re: Roberts nominated Chief Justice, Hearings Dela (none / 0) (#3)
    by squeaky on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:03:15 PM EST
    Roberts may make Scalia look cuddly. He is a stealth appointee. Why do you think the WH has not handed over any documents requested by congress so that they can meet even the bare minimum responsibilities of advice and consent.

    Re: Roberts nominated Chief Justice, Hearings Dela (none / 0) (#4)
    by Johnny on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:03:15 PM EST
    Bush is more concerned with leaving a wrong winger "fu%% you" court in place than he is with easing the pain of those he ignored in Nola... Get bent wrong wingers, your idiot-in-chief is a shallow 2-dimensional monkey boy. So sorry you and an unknown number of idiots voted for him... this country is offically headed straight back into the Salem witch trials-soon, with the wrong winger-you deserve to die if you ain't christian "supreme" court runing this country, Bush's dream of " you are with us or against us" country will come true... Wake up wrong wing America! You have been had by the greatest propoganda machine since Goebels et al... This man the wrong wingers will fellate Saudi's for is the one who cages protesters! I sincerely hope all you deluded war mongers who voted for this jag-off is comfortable with the ideals his admin is bringing... You all know what I am talking about... Habeus Corpus? What does that mean? All it takes under this fascists regime is to be accused of terrorist activity and all rules and regs are suspended... Hope yopu like your president-cuz your grandkids have to live with his fascist court apointees... May your grand kids not hate you, and may you be able to protest without being locked up in "free speech zones".

    Re: Roberts nominated Chief Justice, Hearings Dela (none / 0) (#5)
    by Peter G on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:03:15 PM EST
    Justice O'Connor does not "have to stay for awhile"; she can supersede her conditional resignation letter with an unconditional retirement. I believe this is likely, given the motivation for her leaving the Court, which is to devote her primary attention to her ailing husband. I predict that she will announce her immediate retirement soon after Rehnquist's funeral. It is important to understand that "Chief Justice of the United States" (not "Chief Justice of the Supreme Court," as Bush mistakenly stated this morning) is a separate office. Roberts is no longer proposed to replace O'Connor; his nomination to that position has effectively been withdrawn. (Will NARAL claim victory?) For the re-opened vacancy for an Associate Justice, I bet Bush picks a highly "conservative" jurist who is Hispanic (if he can find a Protestant -- gotta watch that base; Roberts is, what, a third Catholic on the Court? Further proof that real Christians are being discriminated against, right Pat?) and/or female.

    Re: Roberts nominated Chief Justice, Hearings Dela (none / 0) (#6)
    by aw on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:03:15 PM EST
    There should be no problem finding a new associate justice nominee. Who was Roberts' college roomate?

    Re: Roberts nominated Chief Justice, Hearings Dela (none / 0) (#7)
    by Peter G on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:03:15 PM EST
    I'm not sure who his roommate was, aw, but let me guess -- Miguel Estrada?